\ ********************************************************************* 
\ DUMP tool for ESP32Forth 
\    Filename:      dumpTool.txt 
\    Date:          12 jan 2022 
\    Updated:       24 nov 2022 
\    File Version:  1.1 
\    MCU:           ESP32-WROOM-32 
\    Forth:         ESP32forth all versions 
\    Copyright:     Marc PETREMANN 
\    Author:        Marc PETREMANN 
\    GNU General Public License 
\ ********************************************************************* 
\ locals variables in DUMP: 
\ START_ADDR      \ first address to dump 
\ END_ADDR        \ latest address to dump 
\ 0START_ADDR     \ first address for dump loop 
\ LINES           \ number of lines for dump loop 
\ myBASE          \ current numeric base 
: dump ( start len -- ) 
    cr cr ." --addr---  " 
    ." 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F  ------chars-----" 
    2dup + { END_ADDR }             \ store latest address to dump 
    swap { START_ADDR }             \ store START address to dump 
    START_ADDR 16 / 16 * { 0START_ADDR } \ calc. addr for loop start 
    16 / 1+ { LINES } 
    base @ { myBASE }               \ save current base 
    \ outer loop 
    LINES 0 do 
        0START_ADDR i 16 * +        \ calc start address for current line 
        cr <# # # # #  [char] - hold # # # # #> type 
        space space     \ and display address 
        \ first inner loop, display bytes 
        16 0 do 
            \ calculate real address 
            0START_ADDR j 16 * i + + 
            ca@ <# # # #> type space \ display byte in format: NN 
        \ second inner loop, display chars 
        16 0 do 
            \ calculate real address 
            0START_ADDR j 16 * i + + 
            \ display char if code in interval 32-127 
            ca@     dup 32 < over 127 > or 
            if      drop [char] . emit 
            else    emit 
    myBASE base !               \ restore current base 
    cr cr 

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